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“What a brilliant masterpiece…
the best book I have read, ever!”

— Preeti’s Mom


Agnosticism + Logic + Faith = My Spirituality

These are the ingredients in my ice-cream cone, along with Soul Energy, Reincarnation, Karma, Detachment, Vegetarianism, Astrology, Meditation, and the Ego. I believe these concepts make some sense based on the tenets of logic and science. Even to a skeptic like me.

But I am entitled to change my mind at any time. If tomorrow someone were to show me some indisputable, miracle-backed proof that their way is the correct way and I will go to Hell if I don’t squat on one foot chanting 3.5 times a week, I will happily throw away my chocolate cone and switch to strawberry.

For now, here is what I believe, and why . . .


Dennis Campbell CD, Retired professor & editor

“Fundamentalists and other close-minded people need not apply.” But if you are like the many who have difficulty with the trappings of organized religions, this is an intelligent, reasoned look at spirituality which makes a great deal of sense, a quality seldom encountered in discussions of faith.

The breezy conversational style and her sense of humor about the topic make what is usually a chore to read into something delightful. If this was required reading for every high-school student, the world would soon be a better place. A great read!


3 Chips on God covers many categories all in this one book. A must read. Brilliant, unique, powerful by making sense and giving credence to all faiths and spiritual beliefs in today’s reality, the book is packed with logic and at times science. It will be read and then reread at least more than once.


I’ve got to say, I absolutely enjoyed this book! I don’t typically talk to others about my beliefs or read religious or spiritual books. It seems to be a very touchy subject and I’ve learned in my 22 (almost 23) years of life that a lot of times people will talk down to you about what you believe in. They may tell you that your way is the wrong way and that their way is the right way, the only right way. I don’t like people preaching to me telling me I am damned if I don’t do things a certain way…

Now, I did not feel that way at all while I read this book. I felt like I was simply chatting with a friend (a quite humorous friend) about her beliefs… I was not bored out of my mind like I have been reading other “spiritual” books.

What I really loved about this book was that the author did not make you feel like her way was the one and only correct way. I felt like I can take what I want from the book and leave the rest. I also loved how she touched on both sides of every subject not just HER side. If you are like me and you are open to hearing what someone else believes and why, whether you are set in your beliefs or not, I really think that you will enjoy this book.

L. Crowley,

I have to say that I usually do not read books on spirituality because I am comfortable with my beliefs and also tend to find that they are condescending. However, I am glad that I chose to make an exception.


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